Satellite Trajectory and Attitude Kinetics (SATRAK)
SATRAK (v7) is the replacement for SATRAK (v6), a legacy DOS application. SATRAK generates ground site look angles and ground traces of earth orbiting satellites. The new version provides a modern and interactive graphical user interface (GUI) suited for current Windows operating systems. SATRAK (v7) was created using the Space Analysis INtegration Toolkit (SAINTTM), to demonstrate the complexity of tools that can be built and deployed with SAINTTM. The new version allows analysts to exercise various Astrodynamic Standards (SGP4 -Satellite General Perturbations 4, LAMOD - Look Angle Module, SimOrb - Orbit simulation, Decay - Satellite decay & lifetime using King-Hele, BLUE - Bob's Launch Update Ensemble, Sensor Coverage) and view the results on a 2D map, 3D globe, as plain text and/or as tabular data. The tabular data provides advanced sorting, filtering, and grouping capabilities as well as rules-based conditional formatting. An XY plotting tool was also integrated into SATRAK to evaluate changes to a particular satellite's orbit or to perform statistical analysis on the satellite catalogue using Two Line Element (TLE) data. SATRAK is available on the Air Force Enterprise Product List (EPL).