GSA 18F – Agile Development Services
This project entailed a 3-week timeline to fully develop and deploy an open-source web solution with three primary use cases. The solution entailed consuming a data source from the Food and Drug Administration. Users were assigned personas of a Food Researcher, Financial Analyst, and a small Business Owner. An initial idea of what functionality would be useful for these personas was documented, and use cases were created. Requirements used a use case approach, followed by paper prototyping and frequent user interaction, all of which were documented in our proposal. The entire project was conducted using human-centered design methods and tools. Changes were continuously integrated, deployed on a staging system and tested, and then provided back to users for their inputs and reactions. Brainstorming sessions - worked within the project team to brainstorm concepts and wireframes for development to meet user needs; developed a user navigation map. The deployment was fully automated using TeamCity. Commits pushed to GitHub trigger the TeamCity build process which pulled the latest code, installed/updated dependencies, ran the unit tests and performed code coverage. Build artifacts were committed to the Azure Git repository which triggers an automated deployment on the Azure Staging Web App for QA / Integration testing. After success in QA, the automated deployment to the Azure Production Web App was manually triggered in TeamCity.
DSoft Technology uses an Agile methodology (Scrum/Sprints), an iterative, incremental framework for software project development.