Cyberspace Analysis
A growing USAF mission is to achieve cyberspace superiority. Part of that requirement includes inventorying, cataloging, understanding, and communicating the capabilities of current cyberspace Modeling and Simulation (M&S) tools and capabilities to perform Command-specific analysis of cyberspace operations, network attack courses of action, and network defense capabilities. DSoft Technology is responsible for researching and assessing a variety of M&S campaign, mission, engagement and engineering tools to include STORM, SEAS, NRAT, C-REA, a-MIND, CES, JCSS, TreasureMap, etc., for applicability in evaluating current and future AFSPC cyberspace missions, focusing on tools that can provide warfighter impacts to cyberspace attacks. DSoft Technology uses design of experiment (DoE) techniques as an efficient and low-cost approach to understanding which cyberspace model input factors impact the overall warfighter mission and which are less important and can be ignored. Mapping the network and infrastructure effects of cyber-attacks both for defensive and offensive operations to information services, and ultimately to the specific missions, is required to determine the "so what". DSoft supports cyberspace analysis of the Knowledge Operations Analysis of Alternatives evaluating the defensive posture of those solutions for a variety of cyberspace threats. Additionally, DSoft Technology conducts military utility analysis of a variety of techniques and technologies to affect computer information systems through Deceive, Deny, Disrupt, Degrade, Destroy (D5) effects against Integrated Air Defense Systems (IADS) using some of the evaluated tools. Both analyses focus on the impact to the warfighter.
- Modeling and Simulation
Air Force Space Command