Breakup Analysis Model (BAM)
The Breakup Analysis Model (BAM) tool is a software application created by the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) to model the effects of satellite collisions and breakups. DSoft Technology has created a functionally equivalent, cross-platform version of the AFSPC BAM tool to provide this functionality to analysts running Linux workstations.
DSoft's version of the BAM tool uses the Standardized Astrodynamic Algorithms for the core computations and uses the open-source Mono framework to create a cross-platform application with a rich graphical user interface (GUI) and the capability to display both tabular and graphical charts of the calculation output. It was developed on Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio, C#, the .NET framework, and the open-source project ZedGraph. The resulting code can then be built into a stand-alone Linux application using the Mono framework. This development approach leveraged existing code resources to minimize development time and provided the space system analysts with the tools they needed to enhance their operational capability.